
For this project, I wanted to create a video that I could use in my workplace. I am really passionate about creating projects that can be used realistically; a lot of my past projects are applicable in the K-12 setting for teachers. For this project, my goal was to create a resource that could be used in post-secondary education. At the College of Pharmacy, we create randomized student call lists for the faculty members during class sessions. Not all staff members know how to do this, so I decided to create a video that would show how to do so.

In the screencast, I showed the audience how to create a random list in Microsoft Excel using a list of fake student names. I showed the audience how to create the equation, check that it worked, and add some design to the list. From this project, I learned how to speak more slowly and clearly; most importantly, I learned that I truly enjoy creating screencasts that can be used in the future. I have the Camtasia application on my desktop computer at my workplace; perhaps I will utilize this resource in the future to create more engaging screencasts that outline important College of Pharmacy tasks. Normally, we have a lot of training videos using Big Blue Button; however, with a little effort using Camtasia, we could really elevate our inter-department training videos.

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